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When the Birthday Party Met the Afternoon Tea Break…


Cloris Wang

The much-anticipated birthday party is here again!In keeping with the aim of always bringing surprise and freshness to our collaborators, this birthday party is quite different from previous ones.Let's see what's different!

Usually people just come to get their birthday gifts on time. This time, the gifts “take the initiative” early in the morning, waiting quietly with the birthday wish balloons at the seats of our people, ready to welcome their owner and the owners’ overjoyed looks.

We made a perfect date for the birthday party and afternoon tea break, with sweet cakes, mellow yogurt, steaming kanto cooking and fresh fruit strewn all over the table, while our friends didn't know which to choose. But only children make choices. We want them all!

Every birthday party is a battle of appetite and stomach capacity. After experiencing so many tests of delicious food, we have summed up a valuable experience: before the birthday party, you should leave some of your stomach, or you won't be able to hold so many delicious foods!

Cloris Wang CI&T

Cloris Wang

HR Analyst, CI&T